Information and materials provided herein (the "Information") are provided by Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited (the "Bank") and ET Wealth Ltd ("ET Wealth") and they are solely for personal, non-commercial use and general information / reference only. The Information does not constitute any offer or solicitation or advice regarding the investment in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an invitation or solicitation or advice in such jurisdiction. While the Bank and ET Wealth endeavor to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the Information, they provide no warranty on the Information. The Bank accepts no liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from, or in connection with, any errors, inaccuracies or omissions in the use of and/or reliance upon the Information. The Bank also disclaims liability for any loss or damages resulting from the use of information contained herein, or the inability to use such information or in connection with any error, interruption, delay in operation or incomplete transmission, line or system failure. The Information or any part hereof should not be reproduced, distributed or published by any recipient for any purpose without the Bank's prior written approval. The information contained on this Website may be restricted in certain jurisdictions and is not intended for persons in such jurisdictions. Persons reading the material are responsible for ascertaining whether there are any restrictions in their area and, if so, complying with them. If you continue to browse the Website, you represent and warrant that you are a resident of Hong Kong, or the laws of your jurisdiction allow you to read this information. Any use of resources from websites hyperlinked here from is at the user's own risk, and the Bank shall not be responsible for the accuracy of the Information contained in such resources. Any Information provided by third party information providers shall be re-transmitted into this Website by the Bank in its ordinary course of business, and such Information is provided on an "as is" basis and for reference purposes only. Due to operational reasons, certain Information regarding the funds may be different from that supplied by the fund house concerned. Save for the foregoing, the Bank, its officers, employees, and agents do not devise, select, add to, modify or otherwise exercise control over its contents and do not take responsibility for nor endorse the accuracy of such Information. Please note that unit price can be Net Asset Value ("NAV") or Bid. As the applicable subscription fees are not included, the NAV or Bid is not equal to purchase price. The Information is not intended to provide professional advice and should not be relied upon in that regard. Persons accessing the Information are deemed to represent that they make investment and trading decisions (including decisions with regard to the suitability of the products) based on their own judgment and they fully understand the risks involved and are capable of assuming and willing to assume such risks and will obtain appropriate professional advice whenever necessary. Customer who is located within the United States, or a U.S. Person / U.S. Persons within the meaning of Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, (which includes any person resident in the United States and any partnership or corporation organized or incorporated under the laws of the United States), or a resident of Canada, whether acting in his/her own capacity or as agent on behalf of any U.S. Person and/or resident of Canada, or a person who would breach the selling restrictions by investing in respective fund (the selling restrictions are set out in respective fund's prospectus), is not allowed to trade any investment products including Unit Trust subscription, same fund house switching or Unit Trust redemption on Internet Banking of the Bank. The relevant customers can visit any branch of the Bank for further assistance. Potential customers subscribing to or redeeming investment funds should inform themselves as to (a) the possible tax consequences; (b) the legal requirements and (c) any foreign exchange restrictions or exchange control requirements which they might encounter under the laws of the countries of their corporation, citizenship, residence or domicile and which might be relevant to the subscription, holding, switching or disposal of units in the fund(s), in relation to which the Bank shall have no liability. Investment involves risks. Investment returns not denominated in HKD or USD are exposed to exchange rate fluctuations. Price of investment funds can go up or down and the past performance figures shown are not indicative of future performance. Investors should also refer to the relevant offering documents of the investment fund for detailed information and risk disclosures prior to any subscription. Printed copies of the fund prospectuses are also available at any of our branches for reference. By using this Website, each user agrees to be bound by the contents of this disclaimer, as it may be amended by the Bank from time to time and posted onto this section.